Privacy statement

When you visit our website, we do not store information about you in our systems. Information that you provide in the contact form will be stored for the purposes of contacting you further about this research. The partners supporting the Affirm Relationships Project find your privacy very important. In this privacy statement you can read which data we process about you and how we handle this data.

We only collect personal data (name and email address) via this website as it is necessary to enable you to make (better) use of this website and the services via this website. In principle, your personal data will only be used for the purposes for which you have shared your personal data with us.

We use your personal data for other purposes in the following cases:

  • If we receive your specific consent to use your personal data;
  • If we are legally obliged to use your personal data;
  • If we need your personal data to pursue our legitimate interests. Legitimate interests are: improving the quality of services or defending (an employee of) our partners in the event of a complaint or legal action.

Third party privacy policy

This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites referred to from our website. We are not liable for the content of these other websites. We are also not liable for the processing of personal data, cookies and other data by the operators of these websites. We always recommend that you read the privacy statement and disclaimer of these websites in advance. For questions about these third-party websites, you can contact the administrator of those websites directly.


Do you believe that your privacy is at stake? If you have any questions or comments about the protection of your privacy, you can contact the Data Protection Officers of Amsterdam UMC at

Amsterdam UMC


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